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Windows Media Player has stopped working

Posted under Media Player, Vista by ifoundafix

The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

For some reason Windows Media player stopped working on Vista. I tried to reinstall but no luck.  Whenever i tritecd to open a media file i received the error “Windows Media Player has stopped working (Vista RC1 b5600)

The solution and description to this error is set out below;

If you are using Satellite TV for PC or have recently removed it, you will need to delete the file wmp.dll

I would like to acknowledge the assistance and thank http://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=745594&SiteID=17 for providing me with this solution

I hope you too have Found A Fix!

  1. Stephen Daly Said,

    Hi. ive been having the same problems with wmp, and have been looking everywere for a solution. So when i saw this my eyes lit up. only problem is now im having a problem deleteing the file wmp.dll. its asks for admin permision (which i am) and i click continue. But then another window pops up saying you need permision to delete the file.

    Any idears??


  2. admin Said,

    Hi, have you tried Killbox? http://www.killbox.net/

  3. will Said,

    I found a fix for this, all I did was download and install a divx codec:


    let me know if this works for you.

  4. Hector Said,

    That’s NOT a fix Will, it’s another program. Retard!

  5. Chris Said,

    it ses i need permission from TrustedInstaller to delete that file

  6. acupuncture la Said,

    am having same problem…cant get wmp to work

  7. badboy Said,

    to fix this problem on windows 7 64bit tried and it worked for me…not tried it on other os but i presume it will work.
    you need to delete wmp.dll. to do this start pc in safemode. locate wmp.dll and delete. reboot and alls good

  8. rom Said,

    how can you delete wmp.dll without trustinstaller

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