I Found a Fix

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Archive for February, 2008


Nokia PC Suite – Blue Screen – Wudfrd.sys

Posted under Vista, XP

The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

Whenever i connect my phone to my Vista pc using the nokia PC suite, the machine would blue screen (BSOD) and reboot.  [0x000007E WUDFRd.sys]

The solution and description to this error is set out below;

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How to Unhide System Files

Posted under Vista, XP


The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

I was unable to locate the ‘Local Settings’ Folder or specific files.

The solution and description to this error is set out below;
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Uninstalling WSUS – “a network error occurred while attempting to read …”

Posted under Servers, Software

The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

I couldn’t uninstall WSUS application. “a network error occurred while attempting to read …”

The solution and description to this error is set out below; 

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The add-in C:\Program Files\McAfee\McAfee VirusScan\scanemal.dll could not be found

Posted under Anti-Virus, MS Outlook

The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

Everytime i open Microsoft Outlook i receive the error “The add-in C:\Program Files\McAfee\McAfeeVirusScan\scanemal.dll could not be found”The solution and description to this error is set out below;

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Reading and Troubleshooting the Windows Minidump (.dmp) File

Posted under Desktops, Laptops, Servers

The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

My Computer kept getting the BSOD (Blue Screen of Death). I needed to be able to analyse the windows minidump file to fully understand what was causing the computer to randomly reboot.

The solution and description to this error is set out below;

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Dell Poweredge Server Reboot – mraid35x

Posted under Servers

The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

The Dell Server was rebooting intermittently approximately at least once every week. The server would blue screen and reboot. The event logs indicated several messages such as;

1.The server was unable to allocate from the system nonpaged pool because the pool was empty (Event ID:56 / Source: mraid35x)

2.The driver failed to allocate memory (Event ID:2019 / Source: Srv)

The solution and description to this error is set out below;

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Turning Off Autologon

Posted under Vista, XP

The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

My computer would logon as administrator by default when I turned it on.

The solution and description to this error is set out below;

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