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Top 10 Tips for Successful Virus Removal

Posted under Anti-Virus, Desktops, Internet, Laptops, Malware, Software, Vista, XP by ifoundafix

There’s no one way to remove viruses, spyware and general pc problems. Your best bet is to throw as much as possible at these threats. Try the following; 

  1. Try Combofix. Disable whatever anti-virus you are currently running first and download here.
  2. Visit http://safety.live.com and click on “Full Service Scan”. Follow the steps for a complete scan.
  3. After this has completed, go to http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ and Click on “Scan Now. It’s Free”. Again, follow the steps for complete scan and removal of threats.
  4. From the control panel, Go to Add/Remove programs and remove any unnecessary programs. Look out for browser add-ins, search programs, free or demo software, shopping , advertising, toolbar extra’s, and so on. At the very least, this is good pc maintenance. If you have more than 1 ant-virus software, then remove at least one of them.
  5. Download and run RogueRemover.
  6. Download and Run SmitfraudFix
  7. Download, Install and run CCleaner – This is a free tool for removing temporary files, cookies, history, and cleaning up registry problems. Run the Cleaner and then the registry fix.
  8. Download, install and run Spybot – Search & Destroy –  Homepage is http://www.spybot.info
  9. To analyse and remove items from your startup list,  download HijackThis to a temporary directory. This tool is a great way to see what programs are starting up when you pc logs in to windows. My advice here is to remove obvious entries but consult Google for a second opinion. Be careful with this tool as you can adversely affect genuine programs such as your ant-virus software. Alternatively, you can use the startup manager in CCleaner to simply disable the startup items.
  10. If you do not have any anti-virus software, download AVG Free .

I hope you have Found A Fix!

  1. Papp Din Said,

    Thank you i finally deleted bot creating virus from my computer!

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