Error code 1717 when trying to dial a VPN
Posted under Internet, Vista, XP by ifoundafixThe other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows:
Connecting to a VPN fails, giving error code 1717
1. In Windows Vista: Click Start , type regedit in the Search box, and then press ENTER.
(If User Account Control is enabled it will prompt for confirmation.)
In Windows XP: Click Start, then click ‘Run…’ and type regedit, and then click OK
2. Browse to the registry key:
3. In the right panel, open the DependOnService key and delete SstpSvc entry.
4. Reboot the and check if you can dial theVPN connection now.
I Hope you too have Found A Fix!
It works,,[τ̲̅н̲̅a̲̅и̲̅κ̲̅ ч̲̅o̲̅u̲̅]. =)
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