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Orainst.exe has encountered a problem, the information you were working on might be lost

Posted under Coding, Databases, Software by ifoundafix

The other day while browsing the Internet, I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

The solution and description to this error is set out below;

When trying to install Oracle 6i Forms and reports, I receive the error ‘Orainst.exe has encountered a problem, the information you were working on might be lost’.


It also says that the file ‘oibknd32.dll2 is the cause. 


The solution is as follows;

1. Right-Click on setup.exe.
2. Select ‘properties’.
3. Click on the compatibility tab.
4. Tick the box for ‘run this program in compatibility mode for:’ and choose Windows 2000 (or relevant).


I Hope you too have found a fix!!

  1. Oracle Software Problem Solved Said,

    Thanks for your nice tip, it solved the orainst.exe has encountered error and i successfully installed it on sony vaio laptop.

  2. majid` Said,


    Thanks a lot .
    My problem got solved .


  3. Titty Said,

    Thanks a lot for ur support

  4. Anonymous Said,

    Thanks a lot for your help..it worked for me too :)..

  5. romtech Said,

    thank you , it works

  6. Mohammedali Omer Said,

    thanks alot ur help

  7. Birudeo Said,

    Thanks a lot

  8. Esteban Moreno Said,

    Thanks a lot! It worked for me too!!! 😀

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