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Default Router Login Details for Eircom, BT Voyager, Perlico, Vodafone and O2

Posted under Internet, Routers by ifoundafix

The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

If you need to change any settings on a modem router, you will need to log on to it using a browser. The following is a list of common ISP supplied routers and how to log on to them.

If the modem router has had any of its settings changed  then pressing the reset will clear all existing settings (including the logon password) back to default.

Eircom: The netopia router supplied by Eircom does not require a password to logon. If you go to the address you can access the router homepage.

BT Voyager:

Default address 
Username:       admin
Password:        admin

Perlico, Vodafone and O2 (ADSL): These ISP’s use Zyxel modem routers.

Default address 
Default password:       1234
After logging in for the first time you are prompted to change the password.

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