Expect log sequence ‘xxx’ but found ‘SERVER\Microsoft Information Store\ First Storage Group\xxxx.log Ahsay backup
Posted under Exchange, Servers, Software by ifoundafixThe other day I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;
The ahsay online backup failed with the message “Expect log sequence ‘xxx’ but found ‘SERVER\Microsoft Information Store\ First Storage Group\xxxxx.log”
The solution and description to this error is set out below;
The problem occurs because another backup has already initiated a change in the log sequence.
To fix the problem, disable all other backup systems (NT Backup, Backup Exec, etc) and restart the online backup.
Problem Description:
When performing a MS Exchange database backup, the following error message is received in the backup report:
Error YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm Expect log sequence ‘abc’ but found ‘SERVERNAME\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group\E000def.log
This error could occurs when the log sequence of MS Exchange was altered by other backup software, e.g. NTBackup. Thus when OBM next performs a MS Exchange backup, the Exchange log sequence would not match the one that it is expecting. With the broken sequence, the Exchange server cannot be restored to its latest state.
This error could also occur, if the user has changed the minimum size for In-file delta to a value smaller than the corresponding Exchange log file size, i.e. 1MB for MS Exchange 2007 and 5MB for MS Exchange 2000/2003. OBM would then generate deltas for Transaction log backups, thus causing the expected log sequence error.
To resolve this problem, you need to deactivate all other backup software that is operating on MS Exchange, and then you need to perform a Full MS Exchange database backup manually via OBM.
Alternatively, instead of backing up transaction logs during the weekdays, you can consider doing Full Exchange Database backup on a daily basis with the In-File Delta option enabled. This should avoid interference from other backup software while keeping the amount of upload data to minimal.
If the problem stem from the minimum size setting of In-file delta, you need to modify setting according to the MS Exchange database in concern.
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